Monday, 20 May 2019

Journey towards my first $100k


This post has been severely neglected, after my first post hahaha. Determined to not dump this site aside, I'm back!

Decided to try to keep this blog up after scrolling, and found that there are very few finance blogs which are millennial-targeted, so whenever I spot one I'd be very excited HAHA. It's always nice to read about their journeys, and also relate to them well. knowing that someone else out there is also facing the same issues. It's kinda encouraging, y'know?

Anyway, today's post is about the start of my journey towards my first $100k.

Some background info (as mentioned in my first post), I'm a newbie who has been dipping my toes in the working world for the past 2.5ish years.

Saving money has been my top priority ever since I started work, and I know for a fact that I do not have the calibre to have a high-flying job, which means that the only way to amass $ will really be through time and effort.

When I started reading finance blogs after I graduated, I started seeing posts mentioning about amassing certain amounts by certain ages. It gave me an idea that I could also start having goals like this for me to start working towards. Previously, I just tried to save what I had after my expenses, and it felt a little aimless after a while. By having specific amounts to work towards, it became slightly more exciting as there were 'targets' to hit. This is what people term 'gamify-ing' your finances journey, as what one of my favourite bloggers, Investmentmoats mentioned over here.

Credits: The Woke Salaryman on Facebook

Also came across this cute illustration recently - link here! The Woke Salaryman is quite a new page on FB, loving such pages because it breaks down common millennial issues into bite-size comic strips.

Anyway, from there, I decided to set a personal target too - to achieve my first $100k by 28. Why 28? Because I decided to challenge myself and ladies in Singapore don't have to do National Service, so technically we have two more years of work after graduation.

So......... ok. Penned this down so I could be more responsible towards this personal target of mine. Hope to be able to hold myself accountable by posting it online, since anything online can be considered permanent.....? Nothing is safe once it's on the net anymore hahaha.

Shall blog my journey and what I do as and when on this page, where I struggle to adult. Hehe.

Till then!

Setting goals for 2025 | Financial, personal targets

 It's officially the seventh day of 2025! My mind is still stuck in 2024, trying to convince myself that it's the new year already. ...