
Showing posts from June, 2019

Spending to impress others?

I entered university when I was 19, fresh out of JC. Feeling like a toddler flung into the sea of pre-adulting, the world felt like an endless horizon of opportunities, which was both daunting and exciting at the same time. With this new stage of life which felt like a glimpse to adulthood, life was suddenly not just about uniforms, full on mugging and CCAs anymore. You were free to party, to gain more control of your young life, choose your own groups of friends and behave like an semi-adult. With the opportunity to stay in hall, I decided to try it out. I've been a homebody all my life, and staying at a hall presented a chance to step out of my comfort zone. But staying in hall meant fundsSs$s$ needed. So does food. And clothes. And going out. To fund all these, I was very fortunate to get bursaries, which helped cover a bit of my accoms. I also started to give tuition, which was the fastest way any undergrad could earn some money. I started exchanging a couple of hours