
Showing posts from August, 2019

Why I value Personal Finance so much

When I was little, I didn’t think of money much. All I knew was there was always food on the table, I would get my weekly pocket money, I would get chunks of money during Chinese New Year which would be stashed away in my POSB account. Money never seemed like an issue, perhaps I was just a kid - the parents would never talk about money in front of us. I had art classes, piano lessons, and almost went into ballet classes - I remembered not liking how the class was, so mama didn’t sign me up. Primary school was.... fun? A breeze? I had this confidence when friends who learned piano asked - 'So, which grade are you?', and I would answer with utmost pride - 'Grade 8!', when I turned Primary 6. I was also given opportunities to perform in front of the entire school, and I relished in the applause from the floor. Thinking back, I might have been a lil cocky kid huh. Haha. At that time, money just didn’t seem like an issue. I mean, I was having classes only a few other

Being Alone.

This afternoon, I had to attend some training and after the longest time, I had to settle lunch outside alone. Even though I am a true blue introvert, there is just something about solo meals under the glaring eyes of the public that still slightly intimidates me. I mean, over the past few years, I have definitely grown to be more comfortable with hanging out with just myself. You know those quotes saying ‘Learn how to enjoy spending time with yourself, and you’ll never truly feel alone’? I remember treating that as my mantra for a period of time while I was still schooling haha. It’s the truth, right? It’s just like the saying ‘You must learn to love yourself before knowing how to love someone else.’ And all that jazz. You get my drift. Due to this little man called Anxiety which always exists within me, I googled for places to comfortably seek solitude during this scary thing called lunch hour . Crazy queues, hungry (ok, more like hangry) people crowding around, chionging and ch

What Are We Working Hard For?

It’s the end of Sunday. I looked at the clock, and was thinking to myself - damn, we are already 3 days in, out of 4 days of this long weekend. I remember starting the week on Monday, wishing it was already Friday. I kinda felt bad for feeling that. I mean, is that how my life is going to be? Looking forward to weekends? How can I possibly live my days fully if i were to only look forward to weekdays, and always wishing that weekdays would come to an end as quickly as possible? Sometimes i just have such thoughts floating in my head. Is life suppose to be this way? Switching the alarm clock off every 6:30am, snooze a little, jump out of bed, rush for the usual train/bus, look forward to lunch time, look forward to the end of the day, look forward to the end of the week. Spend Sundays dreading Mondays, and the whole cycle begins again. Am i not treasuring life enough? I am able-bodied, working in a cushy office job with a survivable pay, not having to worry about whether i would b

Thoughts + Update on My Personal Finance Journey

Hello there! It’s a short work week, and we are done with Monday! Decided to pop by this site to remind myself to not abandon it (yet). *sheepish smile*  Happy to have a long weekend ahead! Thank you National Day, and Hari Raya for blessing us on the same weekend.  Now I cant shake my mind off the 4-day weekend while I hustle through the week (and it is barely the start! Oops). Recently started on a popular book, This is what Inequality looks like, by Teo You Yenn. Trying to revive my reading habits these days, and attempted my first book reservation. Think it was $1.55? Past me would’ve never spent it, but current working adult me was like ‘$1.55?? Take it.’ Gladly exchanged my time taken to dig for the book with $$ haha. Is this what a time-deprived adult does? Buying convenience with money. Anyway, I’m currently halfway through the book and i love it. I love how the little essays within the book brings me through the eyes of the writer, as she visits these rental flats and not